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Ottó Aubéli
  • Name
    Ottó Aubéli
  • Nickname
  • Date of Birth
  • Marital status
  • Child(ren)
    A son and a daughter
  • Profession
    National Philharmonic Orchestra – Technical Department
  • Team
    SBS Happy Carp Gang
  • Teammates
    Gábor Bali, Dániel Novák, János Hudomiet
  • Favourite Venue(s)
    River Danube
  • Personal Best
    25.18 kg
  • Rod
    TF Gear Intruder Slim 12 - 2.75 lb
  • Reel
    Shimano Big Baitrunner Long Cast
  • Favourite Bait(s)
    Custom made boilies made of SBS ingredients
I am an obsessed angler since my childhood. This could have not been different because we used to live in Tat, next to the river Danube. So I have spent all my free time on the bank of the river with my friends. At the beginning the bleak was our target fish. As time was going on this has started to change and we have turned to some more serious fish. When I was 7, sport has become a very important part of my life, especially the wrestling. At the beginning I was focusing more on fishing. As a result of this my personal best became a 4,5 kg zander. I have caught this fish when I was 14. I was picked into the National Wrestling Team when I was 16, after this I had much less time for fishing. Mostly I was fishing in the surroundings of the Tata training center, using match and feeder fishing methods. I have finished with the professional sport in 2008. As a conclusion of this, suddenly I had a lot of free time. Luckily my son is old enough now to go fishing together. The extra push, which has pushed me back to fishing, came from my friend, Gaben, who has shared with me the secrets of big carp angling. I have joined the SBS Happy Carp Gang in March 2010 for a weekend session and since then there is no stop at all. Till April I broke my personal best several times thanks to my teammate’s knowledge and routine, the high quality baits and to my observation skills. :)
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