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  • Flavour and aroma

    The perfect harmony of the ingredients (aromas, vitamins, feed stimulating additives) makes all dips irresistible.
  • The fantastic power of the dip…

    The hook bait soaked in dips will leak flavours and aromas into the water thanks to the included feed stimulating attractors and this is going to result in a strong feeding response from the fish.
  • Ready in 30 seconds!

    Using dips is almost child’s play! Just soak the hook bait into the dense liquid for a couple of seconds and, under water, it creates an attractive scent cloud around the bait immediately!
  • Attracting colour underwater!

    Carp are inquisitive creatures by nature and mostly, can’t resist their curiosity. The powdered fluoro dips draw the attention of carp because of their fluorescent colour.
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